3D Impact Marketing

Client: Dangote Cement Plc

Project: National Micro Distribution Centres

Challenge/Brief: Client had an RTM that went ‘dark’ beyond the Distributor. It also had limited reach especially in the New Development areas and suburbs

What We Did: We recommended a rule of Thumb that No one should drive for more than 1 Kilometere in urban areas and 3 Kilometres elsewhere to find Dangote Cement. We recommended and helped to implement a 4 step Market Transformation program

  1. Cement Outlet Universe Census
  2. Winning in Retail
    • Micro Distribution Centres
    • Retail Activation
    • Market Developers

3. Competitive Stronghold Attack

Results: Through the outsourced Market Activation Program, we have activated 15,000 outlets

  • We have placed more than 418 MDCs (stymied by Containers paucity)
  • We provided detailed “decision ready” information

Some Pictures of Execution: